Diabetic Foot Disease

  1. 2. Inability to feel sensation
  2. 5. A tool used for testing for neuropathy
  3. 6. The percentage of people with diabetes who develop foot disease
  4. 7. The most common cause of non-traumatic lower extremity amputations
  5. 8. An ischaemic foot will feel....
  6. 9. A Grade 1 ulcer is known as a _______ ulcer
  7. 10. Lack of blood flow
  8. 11. Treatment for a dry or cracked foot
  9. 14. Amputation from above or below the knee is a ____ amputation
  1. 1. A foot deformity
  2. 3. The removal of dead tissue
  3. 4. Amputation of the toes or feet is called a _____ amputation
  4. 12. The leading cause of foot ulceration
  5. 13. Diabetes develops from a lack of _____