Diagnostic Sampling of Blood

  1. 1. Makes up 60% of blood
  2. 7. Lack of blood
  3. 8. Extracts and collects waste
  4. 9. The iron containing pigment in red blood cells; also carries oxygen
  5. 12. White blood cells
  6. 13. Main function is hemostasis or clotting
  7. 14. The fibrous sac that encloses the heart
  8. 18. Packed cell volume
  9. 19. Artery Supplies blood to the kidney
  10. 20. Carries energy and food throughout the body; one of the circulatory system functions
  11. 23. The study of the structure of blood and the tissues that form blood
  12. 24. The largest lymph organ
  1. 1. Clotting and transporting white blood cells to infections; one of the circulatory system functions
  2. 2. Artery Carries oxygenated blood to the lungs
  3. 3. Red blood cells
  4. 4. Transfers hormones to organs; one of the circulatory system functions
  5. 5. Removal of waste from the body cells; one of the circulatory system functions
  6. 6. A thin layer that lines the surface of the heart
  7. 10. Vein The typical vein used when taking blood from a horse
  8. 11. Occurs in the bone marrow; production of blood
  9. 15. Main function of the circulatory system; oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
  10. 16. Helps to maintain pH and temperature; one of the circulatory system functions
  11. 17. The muscular layer of the heart wall
  12. 21. Vein Vein used when taking blood from rodents, reptiles, and bovine breeds
  13. 22. Reacts to allergic reactions