Dias y meses

  1. 4. Day named after the sun.
  2. 6. Day named after mars.
  3. 8. April Fools' day occurs in this month.
  4. 9. Star Wars day occurs in this month.
  5. 13. Halloween happens on this month.
  6. 14. First day of the week in Latin America.
  7. 15. St. Patty day occurs in this month.
  8. 17. Christmas is celebrated in this month.
  9. 18. Day named after mercury.
  10. 19. Day named after Jupiter.
  1. 1. 4th of July is celebrated in this month.
  2. 2. Summer starts at teh end of this month.
  3. 3. Thanksgiving holiday happens in this month.
  4. 5. Valentine's day is celebrated in this month.
  5. 7. Day named after Saturn.
  6. 10. School starts this month.
  7. 11. Mexican Independence day occurs in this month.
  8. 12. New year is celebrated in this month.
  9. 16. Day named after Venus.