Die Eiskönigin

  1. 4. Opposite of heat
  2. 8. State of water in cold winter
  3. 13. Cold season
  4. 15. Large house made of stone for protection
  5. 18. Organ of love and life
  6. 19. Animal of the North Pole
  7. 20. Sense of perception
  8. 21. Knocking on a door
  9. 22. Frozen precipitation in winter
  10. 23. Scary, fictional creature
  1. 1. High temperature
  2. 2. Deep feeling of affection
  3. 3. To control or master
  4. 5. Large gate
  5. 6. Test of reliability
  6. 7. Northern lights in the sky
  7. 9. Signs of affection using the arms
  8. 10. Vehicle for snow
  9. 11. Ceremony for a king or queen
  10. 12. Large dance hall
  11. 14. Entrances in rooms
  12. 16. Responsibility for a mistake
  13. 17. Warm season