- 1. Bride's favorite tv series
- 8. Bride's home state
- 10. Their favorite rollercoaster
- 12. Groom's home state
- 13. Their favorite meal of the day
- 14. First date location
- 15. Groom's favorite basketball team
- 16. Who is older, bride or groom?
- 17. Their favorite movie series to watch together
- 19. City they travel to most often outside FL
- 2. Groom's drink of choice
- 3. City where the couple first noticed each other
- 4. Their first roadtrip destination
- 5. City the couple got engaged
- 6. If Bride was a FRIENDS character
- 7. Their combined total number of siblings
- 9. Month they got engaged
- 11. Years the couple have been together
- 17. Groom's favorite tv series
- 18. Shape of Bride's engagement ring