Diet & Nutrition

  1. 4. A collection of items that have similar attributes.
  2. 5. Archaeology Archeology using laboratory methods to assist in solving unsolved legal problems.
  3. 7. The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community obtains and habitually eats, necessary for health and growth.
  4. 8. The process where by a population of animals or plants is changed at the genetic level through a process of selection, in order to accentuate traits that benefit humans.
  5. 9. A disruptence in the body's chemical environment due to the effects of disease, injury, or malnutrition is...
  6. 11. Small households were only able to meet their nutritional requirements during the...season.
  7. 13. What suggests that the large households belonged to the elite?
  8. 16. To keep in perfect or unaltered condition; maintain unchanged.
  9. 18. Households aimed for a surplus of a minimum of food for...
  10. 19. Diet that does not contain or use animal products.
  1. 1. Popularly referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet or hunter-gatherer diet.
  2. 2. A process that modifies the organics original state and cause bone collagen to degrade.
  3. 3. ... is the use of X-rays to interpret a non-homogeneous material, such as the human body.
  4. 6. A process that provides absolute dates by counting the radioactive decay of carbon in the remains of once living plants and animals.
  5. 10. Femur and Tibia are known as ..., and are subjected to most of the load during daily activities and they are crucial for skeletal mobility.
  6. 12. Opaque lines on bones created from metabolic stress are called ...
  7. 14. The ratio of carbon and bone collagen can shed light on the diets of ancient populations.
  8. 15. A protein which occurs in bone and may be used for radiocarbon dating.
  9. 16. Food storage is needed for a population to become...
  10. 17. What was the main foodstuff stored in the Pithoi?