diet, obesity & diabetes

  1. 3. obesity is characterized by chronic, low-grade______________
  2. 7. when insulin-responsive cells do not respond to insulin normally
  3. 9. a measure used to assess an individual's body weight & height
  4. 10. an overlooked aspect of a balanced diet
  5. 11. a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy
  6. 12. another term used to describe 'fat tissue'
  1. 1. a condition that damages coronary arteries and increases the risk of developing diabetes
  2. 2. a condition that can be prevented by intaking adequate fiber
  3. 4. the hormone that is involved in the transfer of glucose from bloodstream into cells
  4. 5. when the body starts breaking down fat for energy due to a lack of insulin
  5. 6. insulin treatment can involve taking insulin in the form of ___________
  6. 8. a type of dietary fat that contributes to obesity