Digestive system

  1. 3. The long narrow tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.
  2. 7. The simplest form of fats are fatty acids and __________.
  3. 10. ____________ are broken down into amino acids.
  4. 11. The organ where digestion begins.
  5. 13. Physical digestion helps to increase _________ area of food.
  6. 15. The enzyme secreted in the mouth.
  7. 18. In the stomach, ___________ are digested.
  8. 19. Chemical digestion involves __________
  1. 1. Starch is digestive by amylase into ________.
  2. 2. Carbohydrates are our main source of _________.
  3. 4. The _______ acid in the stomach helps to kill bacteria.
  4. 5. Fats are emulsified by ______ .
  5. 6. The simplest form of carbohydrate is known as __________ .
  6. 8. In patients with diabetes, there is excessive amounts of _____________ in their blood.
  7. 9. The enzyme that digests fats is known as _________.
  8. 10. Food moves through the digestive system through these muscular contractions.
  9. 12. In the large intestines, most of _______ is being absorbed.
  10. 14. Physical digestion in the stomach is known as __________.
  11. 16. The hormone that diabetic patients lack.
  12. 17. Food must be digested into small and ________ nutrients so that they can be absorbed.