Digestive System

  1. 2. Where does a majority of chemical breakdown happen?
  2. 3. stores bile
  3. 9. division of digestive system that food flows through
  4. 10. Division of the digestive system used to aide in the digestive process but are not essential
  5. 11. largest accessory organ
  6. 12. the movement of food in the esophagus
  7. 15. muscular tube that moves food the stomach
  8. 16. Bile helps break down _____
  9. 19. gates at the top and bottom of the stomach that keep the acid in the stomach
  10. 20. Special structure in the mouth that help with physical breakdown of food
  11. 21. Moves food from mouth to pharynx
  12. 23. Chemical used to breakdown blood sugar
  1. 1. responsible for breakdown of our food
  2. 2. chemical in our mouth that helps breakdown food
  3. 4. food + stomach acid =
  4. 5. One of the main jobs of the large intestine is to absorb ______
  5. 6. The salivary _____ produces saliva
  6. 7. what uses the energy from the food we eat
  7. 8. Organ that helps regulate blood sugar
  8. 13. Where does absorption occur?
  9. 14. receives food as it enters the body
  10. 17. Flap in our throat that opens and closes to direct air and food to correct pipe
  11. 18. Chemical produced by the liver
  12. 22. Finger like projections in the Small intestine