digestive system

  1. 2. food passes through to esophagus
  2. 6. stores and contracts bile
  3. 8. secretes digestive enzymes and insulin
  4. 10. baby teeth
  5. 12. process of solid foods turning into soluable forms
  6. 13. stores glucose in glycogen
  7. 15. chewing by teeth
  8. 16. food passes through to stomach
  9. 18. prevents food from going up nose
  10. 19. gums support and protects teeth
  1. 1. muscle contraction moves food
  2. 3. floor of mouth helps chewing and swallowing
  3. 4. digestion type by tearing
  4. 5. segment of small intestine curved around pancreas
  5. 7. ball created by chewed food
  6. 9. food enters digestive system
  7. 11. digestion type by enzymes
  8. 14. stores food and acids
  9. 17. gland secretes saliva