Digital Citizenship #2 BONUS

  1. 3. Malicious software or code (trojan horses, worms, spyware, adware, etc.) that is design to damage a computer/device or collect information.
  2. 8. The ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of forms.
  3. 11. Respecting those that are different from you.
  4. 14. Art, books, inventions, magazines, movies, music, performances, reports, software, stories created by you or by others.
  5. 16. Someone who takes action to stop bullying behavior or other inappropriate behavior.
  6. 19. A program that duplicates itself and spreads throughout your computer/device destroying files, changing data and hogging all your memory. They damage software, not hardware (your computer/device).
  7. 20. Programming code with limited or no copyright restrictions, allowing you legally modify and share the software program.
  8. 21. A virus that replicates itself, but does not change any files on your computer/device. They can multiple may times and take up all the available memory on your computer/device.
  9. 22. Software that goes on your computer/device without your knowledge and steals private information.
  10. 23. The process by which an individual can send or post a file to the internet.
  11. 25. Techniques that scammers use to collect personal information from unsuspecting users. They may use false emails or websites where you have to enter information, that look real.
  12. 26. A program that searches information on the Internet by looking for specific keywords.
  1. 1. Using someone else's words or ideas and passing them off as your own.
  2. 2. Related to the Fourth Amendment which protects citizens' privacy in places such as: Places of residence, Restrooms, Changing rooms...etc
  3. 4. To put something at risk, such as your reputation or digital footprint.
  4. 5. Theft of intellectual property. In other words, stealing what does not belong to you. Usually, refers to music and videos.
  5. 6. A word you use when looking for information on a search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)
  6. 7. Means to cause harm to someone or something on purpose.
  7. 9. Someone who is harmed by another person or persons.
  8. 10. Courtesy, honesty and polite behavior while on the Internet
  9. 11. Discomfort in the neck and spine from spending long periods of time looking down at your smartphone. The angle at which our big heads look down forces our spine to bear the weight of approximately 60 pounds. The habit may lead to people requiring medical spine care at a younger age. Being mindful of how far your neck bends when you're on your phone — and bending it back to an upright position — can help reduce the risk of text neck.
  10. 12. The secret word or combination of letters, numbers and symbols you use to sign in to the Internet or an online service to help confirm your identity.
  11. 13. Horse Software programs that hide inside regular programs, such as games or utilities. If run, these programs can do great harm to your computer/device. Compared to an event in Greek mythology.
  12. 15. One who stalks or uses lies, secrecy, or stealth, to get close enough to another person in order to easily hurt or harm them.
  13. 17. An upgrade, bug fix, a new hardware driver or update to fix new issues such as security or stability problems.
  14. 18. The practice of spying on the user of an ATM, computer, or other electronic device in order to obtain their personal access information.
  15. 24. Your right to determine what information you would like others to know about you.