Digital Citizenship

  1. 3. something that is online that can't be stolen because it is protected by a law.
  2. 8. Being a good person online and acting like a citizen outside the real world.
  3. 11. Some strangers will be hostile and want to be mean or cyberbullies, or want to access your personal information.
  4. 12. not treating someone nice on the internet
  5. 13. Using a password that won’t be easy to figure out.
  6. 15. think before you post, people will see what you do post.
  1. 1. the rules of the internet
  2. 2. the mark you leave online
  3. 4. stealing other peoples work for your own purposes, like stealing a story.
  4. 5. golden rule of the internet, being kind online
  5. 6. The content online you post is usable by anyone, and if you use it it would be fair use.
  6. 7. check the facts you find to make sure they are right.
  7. 9. Being safe on the internet, like not being scammed or blackmailed by a stranger, and not talking to or letting a stranger follow you.
  8. 10. Being active online, like commenting, liking or posting pictures.
  9. 14. Using a piece of material for research or sometimes even to review or react to it, and giving credit to the owner.