Digital Technology

  1. 5. Better capabilities, output or input.
  2. 7. A small piece of data.
  3. 8. Could be a document you created or someone could have sent a document to you.
  4. 10. Maybe add capabilities, transfer data to your device.
  5. 11. Used for different things like Games, Music, Learn Languages, Email
  6. 17. Led or plasma or maybe something else device that lets you see things digitally.
  7. 18. Design or even plan something.
  8. 19. Put something online for maybe safe keeping like data.
  9. 20. Get something off your device and makes a physical copy.
  10. 23. Replays something that has already happened.
  11. 25. Keep your data so it doesn't get lost/erased.
  12. 27. Get organised separate your data.
  13. 29. A device that also lets you Select or even scroll.
  1. 1. Communicate with my device.
  2. 2. Lets you see colours and emojis and more digitally.
  3. 3. An input that I can use to wright by transferring data.
  4. 4. Many parts of memory.
  5. 6. Can be used for Graphics and even make line drawings.
  6. 9. Lets us hear what we are playing from our device.
  7. 12. Makes a non physical copy of a physical picture or document.
  8. 13. Controls the device, use the device, sometimes maybe even customize the device to what they like.
  9. 14. It sorts through all the Data.
  10. 15. Transfer data via different types of connections.
  11. 16. Connect through seeing also have more than one thing open at a time.
  12. 21. Reads data but cannot remove data.
  13. 22. System, progress, storage randomly.
  14. 24. Make changes to data into digital so you can see it.
  15. 26. Let's you go online which means you can access the web.
  16. 28. Transfer data to another device or accessories that may help you.