Directional Terminology & Medical Abbreviations
- 1. nothing by mouth
- 3. subcutaneous
- 4. along the back or uppermost surface
- 7. part of the limb closest to the body
- 9. cubic centimeters
- 10. as much as desired
- 11. capillary refill time
- 13. body plane that divides the body into caudal and cranial parts
- 17. towards the head
- 18. part of the limb furthest from the body
- 2. rear of the animal
- 5. front of the animal
- 6. prescription
- 8. body plane that divides the animal into "equal" right and left halves
- 9. towards the tail
- 12. along the belly
- 14. surgery
- 15. electrocardiogram
- 16. two times daily
- 19. intravenous