Directions around Town

  1. 2. To come back/give back
  2. 4. lines on the street where people walk across the street
  3. 6. close
  4. 7. lot where cars go to park
  5. 8. a way to go over water
  6. 12. light a light to tell when cars to go and when to stop
  7. 14. Where you go to get your clothes cleaned
  8. 16. a way to get through a mountain
  9. 17. a light that allows drivers to see
  10. 18. To make something easier for someone
  11. 20. The place where you get cars and motorbikes fixed
  12. 23. To mail out
  13. 24. To see someone
  14. 25. Where water is that you can swim in
  15. 26. To repair something broken
  16. 27. To clean
  17. 30. To watch/care for
  18. 31. Driving something to someone
  1. 1. A place to buy things, especially clothes
  2. 3. a building where things are made
  3. 5. next to
  4. 7. Where you can buy pets and things for pets
  5. 8. in the middle of two things
  6. 9. on the other side of the street
  7. 10. In a town, a open space with four angles and no streets
  8. 11. To pay for something
  9. 13. Where you go on a train
  10. 14. To leave at a place
  11. 15. sidewalk and buildings between the streets
  12. 19. School after high school
  13. 21. The place you mail out things
  14. 22. tower tall building with a clock in it
  15. 28. a piece of art of a person or a thing for others to see
  16. 29. A building with rooms to stay for a night when traveling