
  1. 3. – quarter
  2. 7. – Newspaper
  3. 8. – argue
  4. 9. - private
  5. 11. buile – raging
  6. 13. – Cross
  7. 15. –Stranger
  8. 16. – Surprise
  9. 17. madra – Respect
  10. 20. – unhappy
  11. 21. tí – House work
  12. 22. chéile – Wife
  1. 1. – Pregnant
  2. 2. an tsuirbhe – Survey woman
  3. 4. – Angry
  4. 5. – slaves
  5. 6. – married
  6. 10. tabhairt amach – giving out
  7. 12. cainte – Desire to talk
  8. 13. tine – Beside the fire
  9. 14. – lies
  10. 17. pósta – Married woman
  11. 18. – Unhappy
  12. 19. dian – Hard life