DIS Crossword 4

  1. 4. 12ths
  2. 6. ground next to field
  3. 8. last month (school)
  4. 9. 5.24.24
  5. 10. gym 2nd floor room
  6. 11. may no-school days #
  7. 12. indoor recess
  8. 14. 6-8
  9. 15. indoor recess
  10. 17. _____ season, athletic
  11. 18. field on top
  12. 19. friday shirt
  13. 20. summer dance
  14. 22. 50-gil
  1. 1. KISAC goes to
  2. 2. drill at soccer field
  3. 3. jet stream & jets flyover day
  4. 5. body of water near
  5. 7. book, end of the year
  6. 8. announcements group
  7. 9. glider is a
  8. 11. jets satire
  9. 13. Best Senior Privileges:2
  10. 16. gather 3 times this year
  11. 21. floors, main building
  12. 22. shirt