Disasters - agb

  1. 2. a conflict between nations
  2. 5. a ship that has sunk
  3. 7. a time when oil is floating on the ocean: an oil _____
  4. 8. a vehicle that carries injured or sick people
  5. 10. a large tropical storm on the Pacific Ocean
  6. 11. people who rescue others at sea (5,5)
  7. 14. a time when lack of rain causes crops to wither
  8. 19. a serious accident: a plane _____
  9. 20. a time when many people are starving
  10. 21. a mass of rocks and earth that slide down a mountain
  11. 23. a time when too much rain causes rivers to overflow
  12. 24. a time when the ground shakes
  13. 25. a time when lava and ash come out of a volcano
  1. 1. a place where sick and injured people are treated
  2. 2. a prolonged period of really hot weather: a heat ____
  3. 3. a war between groups within a country: _____ war
  4. 4. a severe winter snowstorm
  5. 6. another word for forest fire
  6. 7. a time when the electricity is not working: a power ________
  7. 9. hazardous chemicals leaking into the soil: toxic _____________
  8. 11. global warming or cooling: climate _____
  9. 12. a large deadly wave on the ocean
  10. 13. a large tropical storm in the Atlantic Ocean
  11. 15. a twisting column of air
  12. 16. a mass of snow or ice that slides down a mountain
  13. 17. a dangerous out-of-control situation at a nuclear power plant: a nuclear ________
  14. 18. an angry mob that vandalizes a city
  15. 22. a person who lives through a disaster