Disasters and their Impact

  1. 5. process of behaviours, thoughts, and actions.
  2. 8. Typically belongs to firefighters and urban search and rescue teams that have personnel with special training in search and rescue.
  3. 9. The art of applying mock injuries for use in mass-casualty exercises.
  4. 10. Forced to leave their homes to escape the effects of a disaster.
  5. 11. reducing the risk of further disasters.
  6. 13. experiences the disaster.
  7. 15. are the most common contributors to terrorism.
  1. 1. The use of chemicals such as explosives, nerve agents, blister agents, choking agents, and incapacitating or riot control agents to cause confusion, debilitation, death, and destruction.
  2. 2. process of sorting multiple casualities in the event of a war or major disaster.
  3. 3. is a secondary prevention intervention that the trained public health nurse can employ to minimize the stress and psychological consequences of the disaster.
  4. 4. In developing strategies to address the problem of disasters, it is helpful for the public health nurse to consider each of the four phases of disaster management.
  5. 6. natural or man-made.
  6. 7. must specify the means of communicating warnings to the public as well as the precise information that should be included in warning.
  7. 12. refers to the number of persons impacted that is greater than that which can be managed safely with the available community resources.
  8. 14. unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population in the furtherance of political or social objectives.