Disasters: Natural and Man-Made Disasters throughout the centuries

  1. 3. The flu virus can come from this animal
  2. 6. This disaster occurs when tectonic plates bump into each other and cause shaking.
  3. 10. The name of the hurricane that hit New Orleans in 2005
  4. 11. Word for isolation during a pandemic
  5. 12. Ocean The ocean that Titanic sailed to get to New York.(2 words)
  6. 14. This is the nickname of the Earthquake that struck in San Francisco.(3 words)
  7. 17. This dust storm lasted a long time during the 1930's. It made the sky pitch black.
  8. 19. A storm that forms over warm water. Usually measured on a scale of 1-5 in categories.
  9. 20. A "sister" ship to the RMS Titanic.
  1. 1. This tsunami occurred in Thailand on December 26, 2004.
  2. 2. A disaster that took place in a 10-story building on March 25,1911.(4 words)
  3. 4. Another disease that occurred in the 1800's that was around during the Great Chicago Fire
  4. 5. Ship that hit an iceberg on it's way to New York on April 15, 1912
  5. 7. A long, high seawave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance
  6. 8. This virus was new in 1918. This virus is still around today.(3 words)
  7. 9. This animal can pass the flu down to a pig.
  8. 13. The city where the "Great Fire" took place
  9. 15. A deadly disease that started in the 1600's. You receive bumps and rashes.
  10. 16. The flood that occurred in Johnstown.(2 words)
  11. 18. This term refers to a person who lives in Oklahoma.