Disasters, Rubbish, and Medicine

  1. 2. powder left after fires
  2. 4. ruined bits of stuff
  3. 6. person who suffered harm
  4. 10. without prior example
  5. 13. skin doctor
  6. 14. Related to veins
  7. 17. throw-away, throw-down
  8. 20. action decision to start a process
  9. 22. yearly
  10. 23. danger, peril
  11. 25. to stop burning
  12. 26. a patch of oil on water
  1. 1. throw-away (properly)
  2. 3. leftover amount of a substance
  3. 5. to take into the body
  4. 7. heart doctor
  5. 8. red-hot fluid within a volcano
  6. 9. Relating to the heart
  7. 10. ugly, unattractive
  8. 11. pollutes, makes in pure
  9. 12. natural home of an animal/plant
  10. 15. painful swelling
  11. 16. attend medically
  12. 18. to sharpen, improve
  13. 19. to flow or leak slowly
  14. 21. doctor specializing in nerves
  15. 24. Relating to old people