
  1. 3. an event when the ocean or rivers rises over their normal level
  2. 5. when you need to leave in a hurry because of danger
  3. 6. an event that causes great and often sudden damage or suffering
  4. 8. to see something with your own eyes
  5. 11. the opposite of losing
  6. 12. something you can use to pluck your eyebrows
  1. 1. the man with the whistle at football matches
  2. 2. a big snowstorm
  3. 4. to feel ashamed or foolish in front of other people
  4. 5. an event that causes the earth to shake
  5. 7. a large swirling storm that can damage buildings and trees
  6. 9. medicin you need if you have diabetes
  7. 10. not smart