Discrete Math

  1. 1. a character in a binary string
  2. 3. a consecutive set of integers
  3. 5. a sequence which contains each element of a finite set exactly once
  4. 9. function always maps a set onto itself and maps every element onto itself
  5. 11. a statement the is either true or false
  6. 13. a function is ___ if it is both one-to-one and onto
  7. 14. determines the number of possible arrangements in a collection of items
  8. 15. function maps a real number to the nearest integer the downward direction
  9. 16. ___ rule provides a way to count sequences
  10. 17. the study of formal reasoning
  11. 18. the ___ of p>q is q>p
  12. 21. a rectangular array of numbers or expressions
  13. 22. the objects in a set
  1. 1. ___ algebra is a set of rules and operations for working with variables whose values are either 0 or 1
  2. 2. number of characters in a string
  3. 3. a sequence of characters
  4. 4. function rounds a real number to the nearest integer in the upward direction
  5. 6. a collection of objects
  6. 7. a one-to-one correspondence
  7. 8. reverses that element's value
  8. 10. Math Crossword Puzzle
  9. 12. operation combines propositions using a particular composition rule
  10. 19. ___ rule is applied when there are multiple choices but only one selection is made
  11. 20. a Boolean variable or the complement of a Boolean variable