Discrete Math

  1. 7. 2 sets with exactly the same elements
  2. 8. A set that is not finite
  3. 11. An approximation (usually mental) of size of value
  4. 12. The number of edges that touch a vertex
  5. 14. The number of distinct elements in a set
  6. 16. A graph where every vertex has a degree of two
  7. 22. A method of voting where if no candidate gets the majority, you remove the last-place candidate
  8. 24. A symbol which represents a number
  9. 25. The method of solving the travelling salesperson problem where you choose the cheapest connection in the entire graph
  10. 26. A graph that has a path between any set of vertices
  11. 28. Individual objects in a set
  12. 30. A table that summarizes information gathered from preference ballots
  13. 36. The method of solving the travelling salesperson problem where all possible routes are listed
  14. 38. A graph that represents a set of regions where each region is a vertex and each border is an edge
  15. 39. A ballot which the voters are asked to rank the candidates in order of preference
  16. 41. A collection of objects
  17. 42. 2 sets with the same cardinal number
  18. 45. A series of vertices and edges
  19. 46. When we are easily able to tell if something is part of a set
  20. 48. The minimum number of colors needed to color a graph
  21. 49. A path that travels through all vertices
  1. 1. The set of elements of the universal set that are not in a particular set
  2. 2. A set whose cardinal number is a whole number
  3. 3. More than 50% of the first-place votes
  4. 4. When edges in a graph are duplicated so that all vertices are even
  5. 5. Listing the order of outcomes in an election
  6. 6. A cycle graph with a hub in the center
  7. 9. Rather than “wasting your vote” on a candidate that won’t win, you cast a vote for a lesser choice with a better chance of winning
  8. 10. Listing the elements of a set
  9. 13. All elements under consideration in a given discussion
  10. 15. Our numeral system
  11. 16. A number that is easier to use than the original number
  12. 17. Filling in regions so that no neighboring regions use the same color
  13. 18. A voting method that pairs every candidate in head-to-head matches with every other candidate
  14. 19. Tells us how many
  15. 20. The set of elements in B but not in A
  16. 21. A voting method in which the candidate with the most first-place votes
  17. 23. A graph in which every edge has direction
  18. 27. A way to write sets when all elements have a common characteristic
  19. 29. A graph where all vertices are connected to all other vertices
  20. 31. The set that contains no elements
  21. 32. A path that covers all edges and ends where it started
  22. 33. An edge that when removed, causes the graph to become not connected
  23. 34. The method of solving the travelling salesperson problem where you start in a specified city and travel to the cheapest city from there
  24. 35. A voting method in which points are assigned based on the number of first place votes, second place votes, etc.
  25. 37. The lines that connect vertices
  26. 40. The set of elements common to both sets
  27. 43. A graph with a distinct starting and ending point where all middle points have a degree of two
  28. 44. The name of the person responsible for creating the four step problem solving process
  29. 47. The set of elements of either set