Discrimination, Immigration, and Criminal Justice

  1. 2. an example of a status offense
  2. 7. founder of Black Lives Matter
  3. 9. a person who has committed a criminal act but has not yet reached his or her 21st birthday
  4. 10. the century that the United States started to argue that crime should be measured by its severity
  5. 11. Plessy v Ferguson legalized this
  6. 12. the first known housing of inmates in colonial America
  7. 13. the type of justice that focuses on fixing the harm done to victims and their communities
  8. 16. her goal was to make jails and institutions more humane
  9. 17. The ___ and Sedition Act of 1798; first deportation act
  10. 18. the amendment that created a positive shift for African Americans
  11. 19. contributed to the lethal violence in the 1920s
  12. 20. this island opened in 1892 as a place for incoming immigrants to check in
  1. 1. discriminated against in 1816, churches were burned
  2. 3. the place where the first institution for juveniles opened
  3. 4. The ___ Act of 1790
  4. 5. The Path to ___; allow immigrants to be a part of society
  5. 6. type of security that increased in 2002
  6. 8. a prisoner who received a life without parole sentence and now has the chance to be released
  7. 14. first thought of the idea of probation
  8. 15. state that recently passed a bill on children in solitary confinement
  9. 16. coined the term "double consciousness"