
  1. 5. increased urination
  2. 6. Diabetic disorder in which there is ketones in the urine
  3. 9. Disorder of the brain
  4. 11. inflammation of the pancreas that causes v/d
  5. 12. Elevated WBC
  6. 13. intestinal parasite usually contracted from contaminated water
  7. 14. Hyperadrenocorticism
  8. 15. tearing from the eyes
  1. 1. deficiency of the thyroid common in dogs
  2. 2. low platelets
  3. 3. canine disease that causes bloody v/d and is extremely contagious in puppies
  4. 4. Hypoadrenocorticism
  5. 7. Elevated Liver Enzymes
  6. 8. Increased Glucose in Blood
  7. 10. Decreased RBC