Diseases of the Endocrine System

  1. 3. Diabetes insipidus can be controlled with ________.
  2. 9. The levels of this indicates the potential disease of the thyroid gland.
  3. 12. Hypothyroid may affect all body functions. This type is the most severe form.
  4. 13. The most common cause of __________ is a pituitary tumor.
  5. 14. This releases inhibiting factors that inhibit growth hormone secretion.
  6. 17. ____________ regulate the menstrual cycle.
  7. 19. ________ assures that enough body heat is made to maintain body equilibrium.
  8. 20. Facial features may thicken; hands and feet are unusually large.
  1. 1. disruption of blood flow, infection, autoimmune diseases, or neoplastic growth
  2. 2. _________ disease includes the development of coronary vascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, and stroke.
  3. 4. This hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex
  4. 5. This hormone promotes growth and development of tissues.
  5. 6. When hormone levels are adequate, the release of the hormone stops. This is called ____.
  6. 7. Symptoms include nervousness, restlessness, weakness, and muscle cramps.
  7. 8. A abnormal production of urine; a symptom of diabetes insipidus.
  8. 9. The immune system attacks and destroys beta cells
  9. 10. In diabetes mellitus, no _______ should appear in the urine.
  10. 11. In a male, excessive testosterone is produced, possibly from a tumor in the testes
  11. 15. This gland is known as the master gland and controls most glandular activity.
  12. 16. secreted by beta cells in the pancreas
  13. 18. _______ hormone decreases after age 30 in males.
  14. 19. A sustained muscle contraction