
  1. 2. how many dozens of eggs does Gaston eat
  2. 4. who loves eating honey
  3. 5. which princess has long red hair
  4. 6. Villanova in the Little Mermaid
  5. 7. Meeko was this animal in Pocahontas
  6. 9. who is the purple dragon of Epcot
  7. 10. raised by apes
  8. 11. who fights for her father
  9. 13. which princess pricks her finger on a spindle
  1. 1. which princess has two evil step sisters
  2. 3. who's nose grows when they lie
  3. 4. who is Mikey Mouse's dog
  4. 8. flora, fauna, and
  5. 12. the elephant that can fly