
  1. 2. says "What"
  2. 4. dishonor!
  3. 5. jumps out a window when his father says he can't go down the stairs anymore
  4. 7. likes to bounce
  5. 9. has a super duper bouncy ball
  6. 11. multicolor, little sidekick
  7. 13. likes to shoot for her own hand
  8. 17. what's his name?
  9. 18. the smartest of all the royal guards
  10. 21. lives in neverland
  11. 22. has mice friends
  12. 23. likes to eat sandwiches
  13. 24. has two round ears
  14. 25. has a little roar
  1. 1. the pumpkin king
  2. 3. a fairy who wears green
  3. 6. a red crustacean
  4. 8. the cold never bothers her
  5. 10. thinks he is a space ranger
  6. 12. the thunder to lightning
  7. 14. long words bother him
  8. 15. a hidden princess
  9. 16. a heffalump
  10. 19. royal snake
  11. 20. took a magic carpet ride