Disney By Liv

  1. 2. Girl, get a haircut.
  2. 4. I'd rather do chores for 7 short guys than be known as ugly
  3. 5. Eats random stuff in hopes it'll solve her problems (same)
  4. 9. Let's get down to business. To defeat. DA HUNS!
  5. 10. Like tomater without the tuh
  6. 12. One eyed grape
  7. 16. My name is not Ratatouille
  8. 17. Has a weird thing for trash
  9. 18. Has a weird thing for weird things for trash
  10. 19. Giftless outcast with no talents
  1. 1. Omg ur cute, we just met, let's get married X2
  2. 3. I. Am. Speed.
  3. 6. Wears windows for shoes
  4. 7. Felt insecure, might freeze my sis later lol
  5. 8. I'm dead rawr
  6. 10. I'Ll Be sHoOtiN fOr mAh OwN hAnDDD!!O@#!^@$*%(%($)($&(@(%* &%(*&#
  7. 11. Gets jealous because peter likes full sized women
  8. 13. YOU ARE A TOY!
  9. 14. Hehe my dad died now I can be king XD
  10. 15. I don't care how ugly u are if u give me books :)