Disney Characters

  1. 4. crazy
  2. 6. sleepy
  3. 7. red hair
  4. 8. beastiality
  5. 10. doesn't need no man
  6. 11. jealous of an actual human
  7. 12. has a snake in his boot
  8. 14. doesn't have a skull.... or bones
  9. 15. doesn't need no man part two
  10. 16. girlfriend of the quack
  11. 18. silly ahh character
  12. 20. girlfriend of the main mouse
  13. 22. addicted to the nectar
  1. 1. stockholm syndrome
  2. 2. disappears
  3. 3. lives in a clubhouse
  4. 5. almost there
  5. 9. dog
  6. 13. quack
  7. 17. victim of a child predator
  8. 19. will smith
  9. 21. honeymoon phase