Disney Characters

  1. 6. 'rough night for tips but every little penny counts'
  2. 7. 'but you know something? i fooled them. i have met someone'
  3. 10. 'it looks awful'
  4. 14. 'of course but what is dinner without a little music'
  5. 15. 'if she doesn't eat with me, then she doesn't eat at all'
  6. 17. 'i am about to rearrange the cosmos, and the one shmuck who could mess in up is waltzing aroung in the woods!'
  7. 20. 'i have often dreamed, of a far off place'
  8. 21. 'he's a really lousy llama'
  9. 27. 'two words. i am retired'
  10. 28. 'you will board my boat, sail across the sea, and return the heart of te fiti
  11. 29. 'if i lose my temper you lose your head'
  12. 31. 'and he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the firey pit'
  13. 32. 'tell her the truth!'
  14. 35. 'it means you are a baboon, and i am not'
  15. 37. 'oh yeah. it's all coming together'
  16. 41. 'i'll tell you when you're older'
  17. 43. 'sorry boys, my hands are full'
  18. 44. 'when i'm king that'll be the first thing to go'
  19. 46. 'it's not her fault. see we were chased by a shark'
  20. 51. 'i'm a sensitive soul, though i seem thick skined'
  21. 53. 'the witch was watching a mirror'
  22. 56. 'lie down before you hurt yourself'
  23. 57. 'oh it's getting to be so late. my prince is never comeing. i never get anything i wish for'
  24. 58. 'but we've met before you said so yourself, once upon a dream'
  25. 59. 'he's holding back he's hiding. but what i can't decide'
  26. 60. 'i'm surrounded by idiots'
  27. 61. 'papa, do you think i'm odd?'
  28. 62. 'i am not a price to be won'
  29. 64. 'yes. i said if'
  30. 66. 'are you always this articulate'
  31. 67. 'no time to say hello, goodbye i'm late i'm late i'm late'
  32. 68. 'find your humanity! haven't any of you ever had a dream'
  33. 69. 'do you hear that my pet? all these years they've been searching for a baby'
  34. 70. 'all this for a loaf of bread'
  1. 1. 'i was scared today. i was scared i would lose you'
  2. 2. 'that was close. too close. the little tramp'
  3. 3. 'ohana means family. family means nobody gets left behind'
  4. 4. 'yes i can see it's a girl'
  5. 5. 'oh i just love a happy ending'
  6. 8. 'oh the concert! oh my father's gonna kill me'
  7. 9. 'a redhead on my left arm, a brunette on my right, a blonde or two to hold the candles'
  8. 11. 'want to know a secret? promise not to tell?'
  9. 12. 'twinkle twinkle little bat'
  10. 13. 'how is a raven like a writing desk'
  11. 16. 'safe behind these windows and these parapets of stone'
  12. 18. 'ugh! you threw off my groove'
  13. 19. 'oh princess! there's someone i'm dying to introduce you to'
  14. 22. 'that's strange. i don't see any. monster lines. not a single one'
  15. 23. 'a dream is a wish your heart makes'
  16. 24. 'it's time you took your head out of those books and focused on more important things'
  17. 25. 'oh somewhere deap inside of these bones'
  18. 26. 'that's because it's on you dear'
  19. 30. 'take her to some secluded glade where she can pick wildflowers'
  20. 33. 'and that's my sash'
  21. 34. 'a llama! he's suppose to be dead'
  22. 36. 'oh you can't help it. most everyone's mad here'
  23. 38. 'those are my beads'
  24. 39. 'no room! no room!'
  25. 40. 'mama mama! there's a girl in the castle'
  26. 42. 'i sense there's something in the wind'
  27. 45. 'because someone let our little froggy prince go'
  28. 47. 'oh no, gravity is increasing on me'
  29. 48. 'i feel bad not knowing your name'
  30. 49. 'who are you?'
  31. 50. 'i will never be good enough for you, will i?'
  32. 52. 'you know why we stay up in this tower, that's right. to keep you safe and sound'
  33. 54. 'let's get down to buisness'
  34. 55. 'oh but you would. you'd be just like people dina'
  35. 57. 'maybe send me an angel, the nicest angel you have'
  36. 63. 'down here is your home'
  37. 65. 'for what it's worth, i think you're a great captain'
  38. 69. 'who missed! how could you miss he was three feet in front of you'