Disney Puzzzzzzzle
- 1. Main kingdom
- 5. ______-the-pooh
- 6. Movie with a balloon house
- 8. Goofy's best friend
- 9. ____-Disney World
- 13. ______-ella
- 14. Movie with lions
- 15. Rat chef movie
- 17. Chip's best friend
- 20. popular space series of movies
- 21. Main character toy in story
- 22. Mr quack quack
- 1. Mickey's life partner
- 2. Dale's best friend
- 3. Ch-Ch-Ch-Chip'n Dale...
- 4. Planet dog...
- 7. long hair
- 10. Kingdom with huge shiny ball
- 11. _________-studios
- 12. Mrs quack quack
- 16. Kingdom with flight of passage
- 18. Vehicle from "Luca"
- 19. Mickey's best friend