Disney Quotes

  1. 1. "The very things that held you down are going to carry you up, up, and up!"
  2. 4. "There's no-one I'd rather be than me."
  3. 9. "knock. just knock"
  4. 11. "Aliens are attacking my house."
  5. 12. "I shall call him squishy and he will be mine"
  6. 13. “Our fate lies within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.”
  7. 16. “Hm. Teenagers. They think they know everything"
  8. 17. “Forget about your worries and your strife.”
  9. 18. "There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere"
  10. 19. "rhino, the hamster."
  11. 21. "Tricky fish!"
  1. 2. "touch the spindle"
  2. 3. "Then, I was like whoaaaa, then you were like whoaaa!”
  3. 5. “I don’t want to survive. I want to live.”
  4. 6. "Who's the monkey?"
  5. 7. “Reach for the sky!”
  6. 8. "There is no way I'm kissing a frog and eating a bug on the same day"
  7. 10. "let's just assume that everyone in here doesn't like me."
  8. 14. "I can't believe it, I'm losing to a rug"
  9. 15. "Oh look you're here too"
  10. 17. "what is this red liquid coming from my paw?"
  11. 20. "You are wearing his merchandise!"