Disney Quotes

  1. 3. "The word I'm searching for, I can't say cause there's preschool toys present."
  2. 5. "and no one knows how far it goes."
  3. 6. "The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all."
  4. 8. "You are awesome!"
  5. 9. "Bark"
  6. 11. "It's a very popular name nowadays!"
  7. 13. "Bad crocodile, Bad croc! ... Good crocy!"
  8. 14. "What'd ya drop it?"
  9. 15. "The human world, it's a mess"
  1. 1. "I am bad and that's good"
  2. 2. "Sweetie. I make forces of nature."
  3. 4. "I'll distract him while you run."
  4. 5. "Everything is possible, even the impossible."
  5. 7. "I'm an ugly, stinky llama!"
  6. 10. "Spoons?"
  7. 12. "memo to me"
  8. 16. "The dog face? What does that mean?"
  9. 17. "You're gorgeous. Wait What?"