Disney Villainous

  1. 3. Our moment of triumph approaches!
  2. 5. Long live the king.
  3. 8. Welcome to the boss level!
  4. 11. Want to fight? Want to have a Wizard’s Duel?!
  5. 13. Now go with a curse and serve me well!
  6. 15. I got friends on the other side.
  7. 17. Looks like it’s Oogie’s turn to boogie now.
  8. 20. You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I’m the bad guy.
  9. 21. If I lose my temper, you’ll lose your head.
  10. 22. I’m gonna knock you right into next week!
  11. 24. Oh this is wicked. So delightfully wicked!
  1. 1. Finally, you will bow to me!
  2. 2. Above all, self control.
  3. 4. The sea and all it’s spoils bow to my power!
  4. 6. Double the powder and shorten the fuse!
  5. 7. I’ll get even. Just wait. You’ll be sorry.
  6. 9. This crown gives me a feeling of power!
  7. 10. You can’t count on anyone, especially your heroes.
  8. 12. I’ll be the fairest in the land!
  9. 14. Everybody’s got a weakness.
  10. 16. You’re a piece of plastic. You were meant to be thrown away.
  11. 18. Arise, my messengers of death! Our time has arrived!
  12. 19. Now, I’m going to close my eyes and count to ten. It makes the chase more interesting… for me.
  13. 23. And don’t I deserve the best?