Disney Villains

  1. 3. Lisa’s favorite villain in forever harassing a family of pigs; he gets huffy and puffy about his bacon
  2. 4. This villainess will hide you away from the world so that she can keep your gifts to herself. But Mother knows best and that’s why she’s Brittany’s favorite
  3. 5. You need to keep your head and be clever because if you don’t play your cards right, Shannon’s favorite villain will be seeing red
  4. 8. When playing pretend with her oldest Kylee- Kylee would play the crime fighting teenage spy who thought anything was possible, while Dawn used to play this Villainess sidekick
  5. 9. This Villainess is from one of Amber’s favorite book series. She’s a cold & mean White Witch that doesn’t care for lions very much
  6. 10. Although Becca S. doesn’t care for villains in general, this villainous trio are her favorites because of their laugh & ability to provide comic relief with silly jokes and puns
  7. 11. You roll the dice and take a gamble when dealing with Victoria’s favorite villain; he’ll frighten you with his creepy crawlies on his quest to take away Christmas
  8. 12. Being at the shallow end of the gene pool is part of the problem for Kevin’s favorite villain. His brother got the lion’s share of the brute strength, while this villain has to be content to scheme in the shadows
  9. 14. You need to watch yourself around Heather’s favorite devious twins, otherwise you might end up in the doghouse
  10. 17. Melissa says that this villainess gave her the creeps as a kid. She makes you think twice about being vain & going into the woods, even with someone you thought of as a friend.
  11. 19. Erica says that this villain reminds her of being an older sister. Not in a selfish way…..in a scheming, heavy – handed, legally binding, you better have your stuff together by sun down sorta way
  12. 20. Before you can go to the party, Jessica’s favorite villainess has a list of chores for you that is a mile long. But it’s because she understands the importance of discipline and structure
  13. 22. Even though this villain is afraid of the seconds ticking away – Elise still thinks he’s a good guy that only wants to help kids grow up
  1. 1. The whole world thought this adventurous old villain lived up in the clouds but Ashley says that the lifelong persistence and dedication he put into proving what he knew to be true, makes him her favorite villain
  2. 2. This was one of Malinda’s favorite movies growing up. This villain steals from the poor to feed the rich but at least good ole bushel britches is funny while doing it
  3. 6. This Dark Imperial Villain is Tony’s favorite because he believes that at the very end, when things were the darkest; this villain realized that everyone has a shot at grace and goodness
  4. 7. Taking care of kids is hard work but Stacey wants us to remember “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, just because this villain looks sweet and cuddly doesn’t mean he actually is
  5. 9. This power hungry, sinister villain is Chalise’s favorite because in the end, it was his desire to be all powerful that was his undoing
  6. 13. Things aren’t just black and white with this Villainess. Sharene says she’s FAABULOUSLY magnificent at being evil darling
  7. 15. Ashlyn respects this villainess because battling your inner evil is never easy. But when you’re the Mayor in charge of all your old foes and you do it with such style…..that’s pretty amazing
  8. 16. Being a sly little devil and blending into the background is why this monster is Sharon’s favorite villain
  9. 18. This villain is Bobby favorite because well…….a man gotta eat doesn’t he & what’s better than the hands on approach?
  10. 21. In Becca P.’s ALL TIME favorite Disney movie, this village villain is ruggedly handsome but he’s also very arrogant and rude which is why he doesn’t get the girl