Distribution 2

  1. 1. This marketing system improves operating efficiency and marketing effectiveness
  2. 4. bring buyer and seller together
  3. 8. This means the channel system reduces large quantities into consumer acceptable lot sizes
  4. 9. A channel partner who stocks and sells a company’s product without buying them
  5. 10. Bata and Bombay Dyeing are examples of _________Vertical Marketing System
  6. 11. FMCG companies use these distribution channels
  1. 2. channel This distribution is suitable if unrelated products are to be sold in same market such as chocolates and baby products like Nestle
  2. 3. This channel performs after sales service
  3. 5. Distribution ___________guidelines include the System for redressal of complaints
  4. 6. In a _____driven channel the manufacturer produces and tries to reach the product directly to his consumers.
  5. 7. Distribution ___________defines the extent of time, place and possession utility which the customer can expect out of the channel network