DD Crossword Puzzle
- 3. The shorthand for "effects" - layer styles
- 5. Who you are selling the design to.
- 7. Image file format that allows transparent properties.
- 9. (plural) Outermost line of a workspace.
- 10. License that holds all basic elements of other copyrights.
- 11. Tab that allows you to use shapes to edit other shapes.
- 13. File format that allows layers to be editable.
- 14. What the Y in CMYK stands for.
- 1. "(insert word here) Space" - empty space of a design.
- 2. "(insert word here)" Point - main subject of a project design.
- 3. Tab that allows you to edit your Bleeds, Slugs and Margins.
- 4. What the B in RGB stands for.
- 6. License that does not allow changes.
- 8. Last name of your teacher.
- 12. (styles) Can be nested into a Paragraph Style.