DK Crossword #1

  1. 3. Dixie drinks from this.
  2. 4. Bramble but not Scramble. Bramble but not Blast. It's Bramble...
  3. 6. Not like a Mario Bros. star: this one hurts.
  4. 7. They can fly and they're all over Autumn Heights.
  5. 9. No, no, no. Wrong way.
  6. 10. The last level that became the first world.
  1. 1. Kalypso, Kass, Kasplat, Dixie, Tiny, Candy, Cranky, Wrinkly.
  2. 2. Played sports with Dixie, a cactus, 2 mages, and a ninja.
  3. 5. It returned on a whale in DKCR.
  4. 8. The Posh Breakdown of the Gorilla Who Refers To Himself as an Ass.
  5. 9. a Funky bird