  1. 1. A ketotic odor on a DKA patients breath is often described as _________
  2. 4. DKA is distinguished from other diabetic emergencies by the presence of large amounts of __________ in blood and urine.
  3. 5. This counterregulatory hormone increases during DKA
  4. 7. The American Diabetes Association has categorized DKA as mild, moderate, and severe. _______ can only occur in the severe category
  5. 9. Symptoms of DKA include vomiting, __________, deep gasping breathing, confusion and occasionally coma.
  6. 10. The absence of insulin leads to the release of ________ (2 words) from adipose tissue
  7. 11. This painful "draw" is usually performed to demonstrate acidosis in DKA (acronym)
  8. 12. Though rare in adults, _______ edema occurs in .3-1% of children with DKA
  9. 15. Young patients with recurrent episodes of DKA may have an underlying __________ (2 words, hint: There was a lecture about this yesterday)
  10. 16. ________ function may be impaired in DKA as a result of dehydration
  11. 17. This guy (last name) described the deep and labored breathing seen in DKA
  1. 2. DKA is caused by a shortage of ________
  2. 3. "The Five I's" in the differential diagnosis for the cause of hyperglycemic crisis include infarction, infant (pregnancy), indiscretion (including cocaine ingestion, insulin lack (nonadherence or inappropriate dosing), and ________
  3. 6. Critically ill patients with severe hyperglycemia resulting from DKA should be treated immediately with a bolus of (2 words)
  4. 8. It sounds like a good idea, but studies have shown that IV __________ should only be used in patients with severe acidosis (pH < 6.9) (Hint: The resident suggested giving this in our case and the attending was annoyed)
  5. 13. DKA has an annual cost of about $2.4 ________ in the united states, up to half of the total cost of caring for people with type I diabetes
  6. 14. Insulin can decrease __________ levels in the blood and cause dangerous irregularities in the heart rate