DNA: Complete the Crossword below

  1. 2. Hearing, discriminating and processing sounds. The earliest stages of reading (and later spelling) development.
  2. 6. There are five ___________ of reading
  3. 7. Reading strategy where students are pre-tutored in the pronunciation and meaning of words.
  4. 8. A pillar of reading relating to the understanding of the ‘meaning’ of words
  1. 1. This pillar of reading should be considered in two waves: original, literal understanding of the text and a more nuanced, inferential understanding.
  2. 2. How letters and sounds correspond with each other and how these letter-sound correspondences can be used to decode or pronounce words in text.
  3. 3. Reading strategy where student read words in rapid succession to practice pronunciation and build capacity to sight read.
  4. 4. When two students alternate reading aloud whilst the teacher circulates to provide feedback
  5. 5. The ability to read a text accurately with pace, but also with appropriate expression and volume, phrasing and smoothness (also called prosody)