Do I Remember?

  1. 4. hormone that regulates sleep
  2. 5. word part for fast, rapid
  3. 8. low level of thyroid hormone, resulting in weight gain and depression
  4. 9. word part for slow
  5. 11. paralysis of one side of the body
  6. 13. absence of breathing
  7. 14. term for muscle pain
  8. 16. low blood glucose
  9. 18. metabolic disease of abnormal blood sugar level
  1. 1. low blood pressure
  2. 2. high blood pressure
  3. 3. yellow discoloration of the skin from liver damage
  4. 6. word part for heart
  5. 7. inflammation of a vein
  6. 10. infestation with lice
  7. 12. commonly known as windpipe
  8. 15. inflammation of the joints
  9. 17. the term for vomiting