Doctrinal Mastery

  1. 4. What did Jesus Christ create?
  2. 6. To seek learning we must study and have what?
  3. 8. D&C 1:30 teaches about which topic? (the)
  4. 11. A Christlike attribute taught in D&C 21:4-6.
  5. 13. Acquiring Spiritual _________.
  1. 1. In which section do we learn about the worth of souls?
  2. 2. In this section we learn that Christ will come again with power and glory.
  3. 3. Because of The Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can ______
  4. 5. who have bodies of flesh and bone
  5. 7. D&C 1:37-__
  6. 9. Repentance has multiple steps, one is to forsake, what is another?
  7. 10. The Holy Ghost speaks to our _____ and hearts.
  8. 12. who have bodies of flesh and bone