Dolphin Tale

  1. 5. The hospital needed this to save the dolphin.
  2. 7. Where was Sawyer going when he saw the hurt dolphin?
  3. 8. What were the artificial tails made of?
  4. 10. Dolphin Tale is a story about a dolphin's ____.
  5. 12. What kind of summer classes did Sawyer have to take?
  6. 14. It took the dolphin to an animal hospital.
  7. 16. "Save Winter Day" is the name of the ____.
  8. 18. Who could get the dolphin to take her medicine?
  9. 19. What did the staff at the hospital try to give the dolphin?
  10. 20. Who did Sawyer ask to make a tail for Winter?
  1. 1. Sawyer work hard to ____ the dolphin.
  2. 2. When mom saw Sawyer and Winter together, she ____ him.
  3. 3. This person cut off the dolphin's tail.
  4. 4. Sometimes Sawyer went there instead of school.
  5. 6. At the festival, Winter swam near Sawyer and _____ to him.
  6. 9. How did Sawyer's mom feel at first about Sawyer's missing school?
  7. 11. Sawyer had a special _____ to the dolphin.
  8. 13. Name of the dolphin.
  9. 15. The dolphin didn't like the tails, so she ____ them.
  10. 17. When the dolphin's tail became bad, she was in danger of ____.