Don't Panic

  1. 2. It's difficult to _______ when there is a fire.
  2. 3. When the storm came, many people tried to _________.
  3. 6. A __________ is the same type of storm as a hurricane or a typhoon.
  4. 8. Weather forecasters give ________ before a hurricane.
  5. 9. A campfire's _______ give light and warmth to campers.
  6. 10. During an earthquake, the ground and the buildings ________.
  1. 1. You should store fuel ________ to make sure it's safe.
  2. 4. It was a ________ fire that destroyed hundreds of homes.
  3. 5. Hurricanes, floods, and droughts are examples of natural disasters.
  4. 7. An __________ makes the ground move.