"Don't Waver With The One Who Walks On Waves" | Matthew 14:22-33 Bible Study ✞-word Puzzle | 7.31.24

  1. 4. In Scripture, the Lord often shows up in a mighty way in the last (fourth) ___ of the night (Mt 14:25; cf. Ex 14:24).
  2. 5. After miraculously feeding the five thousand, Jesus dismisses the ____ (Mt 14:22) – though they may have been hungry for political revenge (cf. Mt 14:9-12) and/or revolution (Jn 6:14-15).
  3. 8. We should not waver with the One who walks on waves; we should ____ the One who walks on waves (Mt 14:33, 28:17)!
  4. 11. The crowds come to Christ after John the Baptist is _____ by the ruler, Herod Antipas (Mt 14:9-12). John is ____ after telling Herod Antipas that his adulterous marriage is unlawful according to the LORD’s Law (Mt 14:3-5; cf. Lev 18:16, 20:21).
  5. 12. (Two words) When walking upon the water, though the disciples are initially afraid that He’s a ghost (Mt 14:26), Jesus tells them not to be afraid because, “It is I” (or more literally) _ __ (Mt 14:27; cf. Jn 6:35; 8:12, 8:58-59, 9:5, 10:9, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6, 15:1). The LORD [YHWH] is the great “_ __” (Ex 3:13-15).
  1. 1. When Peter walks on water, it is not a blind “leap of faith”; what he does is faithfully ____ Christ’s command (Mt 14:28-29). Unfortunately, Peter does not faithfully ____ through (Mt 14:30-31).
  2. 2. Though he, at first, obediently steps out on ____ (Mt 14:28-29), Peter shows that he has little ____ because he wavers (Mt 14:30-31; cf. Mt 8:26, 28:17).
  3. 3. The disciples recognize that Jesus is the Son of ___ (Mt 14:33; cf. Mt 3:17, 16:16). For ___ alone treads on the waves of the sea (Job 9:8).
  4. 6. In the Old Testament, empowered by the LORD, Moses (Ex 14:21f.), Joshua (Joshua 3), and Elisha (2 Ki 2:19-22) also performed wonders with ____.
  5. 7. When Peter becomes afraid of the wind, and begins to sink, he cries out for the Lord to ____ him (Mt 14:30; cf. Mt 8:25; Ps 69:1-3; also see Ps 18:16).
  6. 9. If the winds and waves ___ Jesus (Mt 14:32; cf. Mt 8:27), shouldn’t we?
  7. 10. Instead of following the clamor of the crowds (Jn 6:14-15), the Christ goes up to the mountain alone to ____ (Mt 14:23).