Dracula puzzle

  1. 2. Typical animal transformation
  2. 3. Where the vampire sleeps
  3. 4. A fiancé
  4. 5. Mina's friend
  5. 7. A vampire in the mirror
  6. 11. Old word used for "graveyard"
  7. 13. The white flowers to get rid of a vampire
  8. 14. Opposite of sunlight
  9. 16. The tool you use to shave
  10. 17. When you'd like a drink
  11. 20. Transylvania lies in
  12. 22. Lucy had a trouble with ...
  13. 24. Well known vampire
  1. 1. The vampire expert
  2. 3. Used to get rid of a vampire
  3. 6. The town where Mina spends her time when Jonathan's away
  4. 8. Capital of England
  5. 9. Decription of something extremely scary
  6. 10. Pointy teeth
  7. 12. Ill
  8. 15. Jonathan's surname
  9. 18. Lucy's doctor
  10. 19. The Count's castle is in...
  11. 21. Used to stab with
  12. 23. The color of a vampire's skin