Drama Academic Vocabulary Part 2

  1. 3. the words or sentences that come before a specific word that help clarify the meaning
  2. 5. the author's thoughtful use of precise vocabulary to fully convey or show meaning to the reader
  3. 8. the central or universal idea of a literary work that often relates to morals or values
  4. 9. a specific convention or structure-such as imagery, irony, or foreshadowing, that is employed or used by the author to produce a given effect
  5. 10. the intended target group for a text/play
  1. 1. a distinctive type or category of a literary composition
  2. 2. the written text of a play or movie
  3. 4. mixture of vocabulary, tone, and point of view that make phrases, sentences, and paragraphs flow better
  4. 6. literary works written in a stage play format which includes dialogue and stage directions that is intended to be performed
  5. 7. theatrical performance or film