Drama Vocab Crossword
- 4. He accidentally read the ____ out loud during a drama.
- 5. The stuff we're learning this month
- 6. This is so funny but unrealistic! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
- 7. His ____ ultimately caused his downfall.
- 8. This is usually listed in the beginning
- 9. Largest to smallest: Drama, Act, ____
- 11. "I have to kill him..." he murmured to himself.
- 13. "Hey, how's everything going!""Great!...I hate that guy (whispering).
- 14. The actor is in constant ___, speaking to the audience.
- 1. Romeo and Julia
- 2. You see this and you know the basic info of the characters.
- 3. This drama has way too much ____!
- 4. The Great Dictator
- 10. Modern Family, Big Bang Theory
- 12. He broke the light saber for the Star Wars drama!